
I formally retired from technical writing in July 2017.

After having been involved in analysing, documenting and implementing policies, processes, procedures and product information, and supporting the implementation of major computer systems in the banking and finance industry in Australia for over 30 years, I moved into technical writing. Although mostly working through agencies, I contracted from May 2006 as a sole trader and then under a company I established in April 2008.

My objective in technical writing was to assist organisations gain the most from the valuable information which is often not formally documented, but held in the minds and personal notes of employees and contractors.


The business environment is continually changing and it is essential for organisations to provide their customers and employees with access to up to date, clear, concise and accurate information. I researched innovative and cost effective ways to improve the usability and delivery of this valuable information. This includes capturing the knowledge employees have gained over many years, which may not be accurately passed on or shared with others in your organisation. If this information is readily available and in a form usable by your employees and customers, your organisation has a flexible workforce more capable of covering peak periods and absences.

Using a modular or topic based approach reduces the costs of keeping the information up to date and relevant. It also allows the information to be accessed through the most appropriate methods, including smartphones and tablets. The information can be presented using combinations of text, images, graphics, video and audio depending on the type of information and the needs of your customers and employees.

I assisted smaller organisations, or divisions of larger organisations, realise the cost benefits of providing their customers and employees with ready access to the information they need when they needed it and in a form they could best use it.



contact [at] leafyfield [dot] com